BigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week

Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week

OURO – Brand Activation - BEA World 2019 | BRONZE – Experiências de Marca – CCP 2019 | BRONZE – Eventos / Patrocínios / Ativação – M&P Criatividade 2019 | MENÇÃO HONROSA – Design Eventos – M&P Design 2019 | MENÇÃO HONROSA – Design Stand – M&P Design 2019 | Beaworld - Best Brand Activation - First Prize | Prémios do Design M&P - Design - Ambientes - Shortlist

Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week

No gaming tudo começa com uma caixa de cartão - novo jogo, nova consola, etc.

Assim, num dos maiores eventos de tecnologia, criámos um stand de 500m2 em cartão (1680 kg de cartão, com 965 caixas, 14 mesas e 33 bancos) com o apoio de uma estrutura metálica tubular 100% reutilizável. Um stand totalmente reciclado e reciclável. O conceito de comunicação “Faz unboxing ao melhor da Lisboa Games Week” abriu um novo mundo de conteúdos originais nas redes sociais Worten no pré e durante o evento (mais de 400 conteúdos criados e mais de 30h em live streaming). No último dia, desafiámos todos para o que acreditamos ter sido o maior unboxing de sempre: O UNBOXING DE TODO O STAND. Todas as caixas que revestiam o stand tinham gifts escondidos para delírio do público.



Cobertura redes Worten: + de 400 conteúdos criados; 3.916.583 pessoas alcançadas; Twitch > + de 30 horas em live streaming; 26.637 live views; 587 novos followers; + de 10.000 mensagens no chat.


Resultados únicos: 381.964 views online; 40.000 views offline; 400.000 pessoas alcançadas (digital + tv); 65.000 horas de competição vistas; + de 700 players no stand.


Cobertura media: RTP, Cidade FM, Tv Cine.

Worten Game Ring

In gaming it all starts with a card box – new game, new console, you name it. Therefore, at one of the biggest technology events, we created a 500m2 stand with cardboard (1680 kg of cardboard, with 965 boxes, 14 tables and 33 benches) with the support of a 100% reusable tubular metal structure. A totally recyclable and reusable stand. The communication concept “Unbox the best of Lisboa Games Week” opened a new world of original content on Worten’s social media before and during the event (more than 400 contents created and more than 30h in live streaming). In the last day, we challenged all to unbox the whole stand, in what we believe was the biggest unboxing ever made. Every box that overlayed the stand had hidden gifts for the audience’s delight.




Worten social media coverage: more than 400 contents created; 3.916.583 reach; Twitch > more than 30 hours of live streaming; 26.637 live views; 587 new followers; more than 10.000 messages on chat.


Unique results: 381.964 views online; 40.000 views offline; 400.000 reach (digital + tv); 65.000 hours of competition viewed; more than 700 players at the stand.


Media coverage: RTP, Cidade FM, Tv Cine.

BigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week / show caseBigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week / show case
BigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week / show caseBigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week / show case
BigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week / show caseBigFish - Worten Game Ring Lisboa Games Week / show case